It's hump day-what's new?

on 4/7/09 9:58 pm - manchester, NJ
im from the black shoes go with everything school, so sorry i cant help you on this one.
i have one pair of dressier black shoes and i wear them whenever the need arises.

enjoy the event.




Nancy H.
on 4/7/09 10:23 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Margo & all. Well I have more grandkids here this week.
 Depending on the time of day either 3 or 5. I love it.
Yesterday we made apple muffins, painted eggs shoveled snow, made jewelry & so many other things. They sure keep you busy!
 Margo you will be beautiful wearing anything. I do not like to get dressed up. Just have a great time. Well, need to get the girls ready to go shopping, this will be fun!
on 4/7/09 11:29 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi All, Or good mirning,
Joyce and John are on heir way home. We are still here in Asheville North Carolina until Sunday.
It is starting the Jewish Passover season and we are going to visit our friends for the remainder of the week.
Itis cold here and was snowing yesterday. I hate the cold now that I have been baking in Florida for 2 years.
margo your best bet for dress shoes is a nice paton Leather black strapy shoe.
Have much fun dressing up. I dont do it to often.
Well hope all is well.
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Connie D.
on 4/7/09 11:32 pm
Good morning Margo and everyone......

Margo...great deal on the dress...woohooo!! As for the shoes...I agree with you...I wouldn't go white either. Just about anything else would work...depends on the shade of the dress. I also agree with Annette...sparkles are a must!!

I have a busy work day today.Several new clients to meet with in the next couple days...tons of paperwork!!! I feel so bad. There are just so many slots for positions allotted in each county. I have seven people right now and only two positions to offer. The rest will have to be put on a waiting list. There are so many people needing jobs. What a sad situation. I could do so much more if I was allowed to do so. I get calls everyday as the number of unemployed are increasing.

I hope things are going well for all of you. My prayers continue for those in need.

Have a peaceful day and share a smile along the way.

Love and hugs to all....connie d

Judy G.
on 4/7/09 11:49 pm - Galion, OH

morning margo and OFF family....margo that dress was a great bargain!!! the creamy part caught my attention and i would go with an off white, cream, or bone color shoe...

well its still chilly here but not as bad...the winds finally died down some so that is good!! tomorrow its supposed to get up to the 50's and i sure hope it stays nice til we get home from the ball game!!! going to take a large blanket to keep warm tho!!!!

got a load of laundry going this morning and i am happy for that!!! was off yesterday and ofcourse someone else got to the machine every time i checked!!! sighs...still thinking of posting a sign that if you are using the machines please be considerate and not let them stay in machine for hours!!!!! others need to use the machines!!! just makes me angry they do this!!!

nothing else new so will shut up now...thanks to all of you that posted on my looking for a recipe last night....will try the one that susan posted for me and also if i can find the sauce that connie mentioned for me to use.

have a great day!!!!

on 4/8/09 12:01 am

Happy Hump Day right back at you.  Your peach gown sounds beautiful.  I think a beige shoe, depending on the color of peach, would go nicely.  I like sparkles too.  I hope you have a wonderful, fun time! 

I went to another support group last night and really enjoyed it.  A plastic surgeon was there speaking about plastic surgery after WLS.  What a hoot.  The group laughed and he was such a great sport and loved it.  Honestly, I'm getting excited now about having RNY.  Hearing about how healthy people are after the surgery just amazes me. 

I hope each of you have a happy day!  Prayers uplifted for those in need.



Elaine R.
on 4/8/09 12:50 am - Dearborn Heights, MI

Smart dress shopping, Margo!!  I'm leaning more toward the coppery-bronze color shoe, just enough to contrast the dress without being startling.

I've been putting in some miles walking in training for the Breast Cancer 3-Day.  There's a 6-mile walk scheduled on Saturday that I think I might try.  I found out that after all these years walking that I've been wearing the wrong kind of socks and that's why I've suffered blisters all this time.  What a difference socks make!

I see my therapist today.  Every two weeks like clockwork.  My meds got all mixed up after surgery and what the doctor switched me to wasn't working.  I'm now able to go back to the old ones and I'm back on the right track and feeling sooo much better.  

It's a bright, sunny day here.  Blue skies and temps warming into the 50s.  What could be better?

Blessed day to you all,



All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press
on to your destination.

Brenda R.
on 4/8/09 1:41 am - Portage, IN
Good morning to you dear Margo and my other OFF sibs. I hope that hump day is good for everyone.

I go to the doctor with my sister this afternoon. She left the doctor that she loved and now hates the one she chose. So she is now going back to the old ones. I knew she would do this but would she listen? Heck no. That is my sister but do I gotta love her??????? I guess so.

I finally remembered to call the heart doctor about re faxing my test results to Dr. Stanish' s office for the surgery. They faxed them once but Dr. S' office said that she didn't have them for some reason. So when that is done I will be one step closer. But they were telling me that the surgery wouldn't be until May and I am not sure that I can wait until then. I need to talk to her and mention to her that my PCP said I needed it taken care of asap.

My neighbor's great great grandson brought over 2 colored eggs for Bill and I this morning. He told me that the purple one is for me and the greenish/blue one is for Bill. I told Alex that they were beautiful and I know that they will taste just wonderful. He is such a sweetie and he told Virginia that Bill and I are his grandma and grandpa and that he loves us so much.

I guess I should get moving. This isn't getting anything done. I have to pack Bill's lunch before I go too. So much to do and not enough time to do it all. But then again that is the perfect excuse not to do some things too. Good idea.......not enough time.

Have a special hump day. I am sending love and hugs to all along with the prayers too. don't forget to smile and make someone else's day special too. It will help you just as much.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Connie D.
on 4/8/09 5:19 am

Brenda....sounds  like you have an adopted you the eggs is so special!!

Hugs....connie d
J Brown
on 4/8/09 3:07 am - Omaha, NE
Oh Margo Your dress sounds wonderful. I found my formal dresses for the cruise at Thrift shops.What fun. My senior prom dress was peach colored, you brought back memories. ( remember when wigs were very in?) I also wore a blond wig to the prom, after the prom, was making out in the front seat with ol whats his name, and the wig fell off into the back seat. I see you in some simple sandles, gold or silver depending on the color of your jewlery. 

All ok in my neck of the world, poor Liz is still on 1/2 cup soft liquids an hour and she thinks she is starving. Our Weatherman has "stuck a fork in it" his way of saying the bad weather is done no more snow, I sure hope he is right.. I spent over an hour stuffing eggs for our family hunt and BBQ this Sunday. I made this tiny little basket for Hunter it is so cute, a little blue Beanie Baby Bunny ( say that 3 times fast) some bibs and mini sized lotions 2 Peanut Butter eggs( for Mom& dad) and a little wind up dog.  Such fun. It is suppose to be cold and rainy on Sunday, darn.  I hope Michael is feeling better and better..Blessings
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